Allow me to present an alternate vision of Q for consideration. I do this because I HOPE that your assessment is correct. I am concerned that Q is a repeat of an effective, successful operation that was conducted before as the Left took control of a country.

When the communists were progressively taking over Russia in the early 1900s, they organized the controlled opposition as well. We call it "Operation Trust". This operation presented to the Russian people the appearance of an organized resistance within the military, the systems of government and other structures. They convinced the Russian people that there was an organized operation by key people to save the situation.

Meanwhile, the communists progressively removed from all positions of power, influence, media, education, etc. anyone not loyal to them. They sank their roots into all important systems of control.

The People, for the most part, sat idly by, trusting in reports that someone was organizing to stop the communists. They believed, they hoped, they felt they were being informed. It kept them docile until it was too late.

Remember when Q indicated the important people would undo the false 2020 election and put the rightful President in office? Remember the revelations of election fraud being spread around and all the cheers of "we got them now!" We expected revelation of the truth to oust the perpetrators of the progressive coup. Well, who is being punished and removed from power? The perpetrators or the Americans who oppose them?

Being informed only lets you know you are wearing chains. It does absolutely nothing to remove those chains. The person who keeps promising to bring you the shackle key may simply be one of the jailors who wants you to not struggle as more and more chains are wrapped around you. The Deep State may well be using Q to corral and neutralize those who might organize their own resistance, if they believed there was no other recourse to save America. Resistance, such as the Battle of Athens, Tennessee, to put a stop to the Deep State's election rigging.

Information is not warfare. Action is warfare.

What has Q actually accomplished? What has changed in the last three years? What elections have been corrected based on "information"? What systems of power, education or media have been retaken by Americans due to "information"? Who is prevailing over whom?

I watch and think BOHICA as the American People are apparently being duped by professional nation-stealers who have done this again and again using the same standardized tactics. They do it because it works.

Change my mind...?

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I'm replying to my own comment to post a supporting piece of evidence. "Operation Trust" is to trick you into accepting a progressive establishment of totalitarian rule without taking direct action to stop it. Q makes obscure, coded messages then allows you to figure them out, to apply your own "hopeful" interpretation. It's not even giving you real information. It's letting you write the narrative for them. What a total mind game.

Here's an example from 2021. Q had made an obscure reference to Hunt for Red October, allowing all the hopeful people to manufacture the positive messaging to fool the other hopeful people. Here is one of those hopeful messages, sent to me as a screen captured image by a hopeful person.

Read this and see it for what it is, a statement that we MUST allow the Left to finish their overthrow and takeover of the American System because that's how we'll "disarm" them! LOLOL!! This one made it all too obvious that "Operation Trust" is following the same old script to the same predictable end.


Forwarded from: AbsoluteConviction1776

Showerthought; This may actually be what Q means with the Hunt For Red October references.

As we all know, in the movie, Ramius turns the sub right towards the torpedo. Thus keeping it from being able to arm in time.

Another time, he takes the sub to the *last* possible moment before steering the sub away from the wall.

My point? We have steered right into the "Scare Event" (The Great Reset) in order to keep it from "arming". By going "war speed", Trump took away [their] time to properly pull off the great reset. By steering into it, we have disarmed it in the long run. Sure, the torpedo is scary as it heads right towards us, but it won't explode. In fact, it will be intercepted by The Great Awakening at the last possible moment.

Sometimes you can't tell them, you have to show them.

Let's see what happens...

( Forwarded by Pepe Lives Matter)


Really, we have to let the Left finish the takeover of the USA and that's how we beat them? We seriously think that just as they finish the job, rounding up political opposition to shove into gulags, that's when we defeat them? No, that's never worked. Yet, people are falling for this.

Somewhere in Hell, Vladimir Lenin is laughing himself silly.

Someone prove me wrong. Please.

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You make my point exactly if you read my post and read between the lines. But the fact remains We the people ARE doing things behind the scenes being total thorns in their asses. The people all arent sitting on our asses eating popcorn. There are things being done. As I said, evil has no imagination and this problem isnt going to be solved overnight. We didnt get here that quick and we will not be delivered from it quickly. We MUST restore our original founding principals of morality, ethics, and beliefs and stop pandering to those that keep saying we should just go along with what they say because they think it's the right thing. God has a Word, we need to listen to it and stop buying the bullshit we have been fed to turn the other cheek. Yeshua wasnt a passivist, contrary to pop culture belief. More and more wake up to this fact everyday.

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I agree. and we will see how voting works.

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You got to secure your elections man. The only way to do that is to go to your polling station, study how your elections are conducted, learn every position, and be prepared to report crimes and get people to watch the polling station. Nothing says that you can't watch them. Get with your local sheriff, ask him how to report a crime, how to fill out affidavits correctly, and learn how voter fraud affects your Bill of Rights and write up your affidavit in that manner because many of the cases were thrown out because it wasn't articulated how it harmed an individual or a group of individuals.

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You described the exact point I thought of; that is the most important part of the plan to restore this country to a constitutional republic, we the people. All actions start at the local level by individuals.

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Aug 25, 2023
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I'm looking into the Jakarta Method right now. Lots of links. Looks like America now! Thanks for the lead!

I'll add one more thing for consideration. The "deep state" in the USA goes back to the foundation of the Democrat Party. After England lost the War of 1812, it needed another way to attack and defeat the incipient Republic in North America. The reason was simple - that the Constitutional printing of currency without debt, along with a mostly free market economy, would make the USA the world's most free and prosperous nation. Here's the London Times response to Abraham Lincoln resuming Constitutional currency, debt-free, with the Greenback Dollar.

"If that mischievous financial policy, which had its origin in the North American Republic, should become indurated down to a fixture, then that Government will furnish its own money without cost. It will pay off debts and be without a debt. It will have all the money necessary to carry on its commerce. It will become prosperous beyond precedent in the history of the civilized governments of the world. The brains and the wealth of all countries will go to North America. That government must be destroyed, or it will destroy every monarchy on the globe." - The Times of London newspaper, opinion-editorial commentary, 1865

The Democrats served ( and still serve ) a foreign power. England established bases in Canada to train their elite forces, the Knights of the Golden Circle, in sabotage, terrorism, looting and assassination. ( Basically all the things Democrats continue doing today serving China ). It was one of the KGC trained assassins, John Wilkes Booth, who took out Abraham Lincoln.

The Democrats have long used the Jakarta Method against Americans. The KGC later created the Ku Klux Klan ( named after the greek work "Kyklos" meaning "circle" ).

The Democrat Party was created as an enemy of the USA, serving foreign powers, and continues to serve that purpose today.

When Americans make an effort to get free of their totalitarian control, when President Trump began restoring just a bit of domestic Liberty, the Democrats took to the streets to engage in violent terrorist attacks on Republicans and to literally burn down our cities. Yet, for some reason, they are allowed to hold political power. Any at all. Americans are not responding to Democrat violence with any sort of force that would put a stop to it. That is a failing of Americans to actually defend themselves and their nation against America's sworn enemy, the Democrats.

Look who runs the nation. It is no longer the Americans.

I referred to the Battle of Athens, Tennessee. Democrats ( enemies of the nation and Constitution ) do not fear lawyers, protests, exposure of their corruption, anything that is currently being done. Because, they control the system. They aren't the ones who will go to prison. In that circumstance, Americans did take action to stop the overthrow of the American System. It worked. Briefly.

Democrats only fear being removed from power and control. Like their communist brethren in other nations, they have saturated all mechanisms of power and control with their people to the point that those systems would have to be completely disassembled then carefully rebuilt with actual Americans staffing them, in order to solve the problem.

Only the US Supreme Court seems to be having one last gasping "hurrah" to defend the US Constitution, just a little, and look at Democrats spelling out different angles of attack they can use to put a stop to that. When Charles Schumer openly threatened Supreme Court Justices by name ( a Federal crime ) and suffered no consequences at all, that kind of illustrated the fact that Americans are no longer in power in America.

Okay, I'd better hop off the soap box. ;-)

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I cannot speak to this theory quite as eloquently as Thomas Sayre, but I also had hope that all of Q’s information would pull us out of the spiral into insanity into which we were, and still are headed. Unfortunately nothing Q alluded to ever became reality. Rebellion is action and only through rebellion will we ever take back our country. Every single day we move closer to a day when the government will give itself the power to take away our ability to fight against this tyrannical system. A system which has grown like the mycelium of a fungus to invade every facet of our institutions. As a final thought, to declare that our weapon is our vote is absurd to a degree almost unfathomable. The fraud, unethical money drops from the Marxist left, and the years of scheming that went on before the 2020 election guaranteed a Dem-O-Puppet would be installed into the WH. You can probably bet your last dime they have more in their election manipulation bag of tricks this time around.

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Of course they do, but that is now KNOWN and that is the difference. The rest Will possibly be introduced in Trump’s court case. Reminder that the actual election evidence has NOT been seen by a court. It must be done via rule of law because that is the foundation of a Constitutional Republic.

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What I see is now that it is known, they no longer even try to hide it. There is no rule of law. Name one person who has actually been convicted of a crime in DC, other than J6 defendants. I hi

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My opinion of course, but votes cannot be a weapon. Trump beat Biden in votes by over 10 million in 2020, yet the election was stolen with fake ballots. Republicans think votes are important. Dems and Deep State know that ballots win elections, not votes. Look what happened in Maricopa County in 2022, and in Michigan, a clean sweep for the Deep State. If we are still relying on votes, 2024 will be another election disaster.

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It's more than ballots vs. votes. Michigan for instance -- the 'Witches of Eastwick' first disqualified Chief James Craig and Perry Johnson due to insufficient petition signatures, waiting until after the deadline so that they had no possible recourse. And leaving the GOP with a much weaker candidate, who likely would have lost without fraud. (note that the RNC has just run the same scam again, this time against Larry Elder and Perry Johnson again.)

Sleazy plays their corrupt game in many, many ways. Votes vs. ballots is just one of them.

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Time will tell, but considering the acceleration of events, we need to consider 2024 might be radically different. The majority of Americans now understand at some level that 2020 was stolen. Actions have been taken by many states already to remedy the fraud.

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I believe that , regardless of anything Q did or did not say, We the People will elect Donald Trump President in 2024.

I believe this because of facts I can see:

(1) Trump is running for President in 2024.

(2) Trump would not spend all this time, effort, and frustration running if he did not believe he would win.

(3) Trump knows he cannot win if the DS Uniparty can fraud 2024 like they did 2020 and 2022.

(4) Ergo, Trump knows something that we do not (yet) know: someone (likely the White Hats, perhaps affiliated with Q) has a plan to keep the 2024 election clean and defeat the fraud. This will likely include all the common-sense things Patriots have been suggesting: same-day, in person voting; real ID required; paper ballots hand counted by impartial persons.

The details of this, I do not know; but I will venture a guess that it will involve the US military, the only major institution that still for the most part has the confidence of the People on all sides. Likely more National Guard and Reserves than active duty. Details yet to be revealed, but if Trump did not know something we do not know, he would not be running.

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Your 1000^100 right! I am grateful, you all have outlined the methods used to counter the DS! People are awakening daily! It gives people hope that we can actually take back our country, we know the cost, we know the depth, we know the sacrifice! Thank you, for all that you do, seen and unseen. Take care.

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Many of us have been trained throughout our childhoods by playing games. Much the way the Spartan boys would play combat oriented "games". Now take a look at Pac-man. Pac-man seemingly only had one purpose. Gobble up every dot and monster you can. Finding power ups in the farthest corners of the board. However, at the same time teaching a strategy and making that strategy repeatable. History always repeats itself. Evil has no imagination. It relies on same old tried and true methods. It never deviates from its plan no matter how much history has proven that its plan is always doomed to failure. Pac-man taught us how to react and be proactive at the same time. Through timing, shoot and move exercises. When to wait..when to go. Later in our lives we moved to more sophisticated games like rainbow six. Which I still hold today as one of the most prolific battle planning games that I am near positive has been used to plan spec ops missions during GWOT. This conclusion is something many of us have known for a long time because we lived in the games. We recognize patterns and correlations to those patterns.

A little story I used to tell a lot...in my career, I used to dream code...it used to wake me up in the night. It was something in my head back in the day that always seemed to haunt me. I got comfortable with it. It was that code that I dreamed that showed me patterns that the ghost in the machines showed me. It wasnt a ghost in the machine. Now at this point in my life I realize it was God showing me the way. I was just too stupid to understand it back then. I'm no anon...some of those guys and gals are amazing the info they belt out. I have seen the game so I'm relatively sure I know what it is. And you are correct as I have said from day one of this crisis..WE the people are the answer.

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Amen. God Speed, Patriots!!!

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I’m not a mathematical genius at all, however, I understand the concept as you’ve described on an elementary level. When I found out about the Q posts, there was a LOT of Q bashing going on and the alone increased my distrust of DC and increased my curiosity about Q. Already stopped MSM watching 25 years earlier. Upon reading the posts, it was clear that I wasn’t meant to understand everything and it was apparent to me that all of the detailed moves, countermoves and other tactics I could understand lead to the fact this had to involve a supercomputer (even possibly one with quantum mechanics). It would be physically impossible to plan contingencies for every act, plan moves/countermoves for each contingency, track all of these and ensure the plan was moving forward in accordance with the goals. You’ve beautifully described the anons’ role and why these brilliant digital warriors were chosen to begin with. You have filled in so many gaps in knowledge and clearly defined our purposes as citizens. God bless you all.🙏

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People didn't wake up, they took the killer vaccine as promoted by the lying media . Look at the data on disabilities and injuries in the working sector . Sorry to say this but Trump was pushing the vax. Deep state was in its element during lockdown . Too many are dying , especially youngsters from these horrid vaccines . Even the military was pushed to take these clot shots and you're telling me that Q did it's job. Do you realise how many military personal have died or seriously injured from these dangerous shots ? Obviously Q didn't wake these people up, not the population. Over 670 million doses were injected in the USA. The next 4 years of people dying suddenly will be horrendous . Do your research , serious research on these facts . Dr Mark Crispin Miller is a start .

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Nope, many millions did not comply with the vaccines. Nor, will we now when the inbred cabal trots out the next plandemic. Most of these millions do not live in cities, either.

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I think that the Q group was a kick start for us, to pull us up and remind us we are not alone and that there is a plan but we became so attach d to them it was important for them to disappear for the next level where we need to look into ourselves for answers, into our communities and then we shall see what is next. We are being waged war upon and an excellent book that Q had recommended The Art Of War it is a good time to reread this❤️

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Who is Q? We all are Q. Who is The Kid By The Side Of The Road? We all are!

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Voting hard is the plan? History tells us that will not work or did you forget.

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Thank you.

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Thank you! 🙏❤️🙏🌎🙏🇺🇸

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