On October 28th, 2017 at 15:44:28 something very unique and extraordinary happened. Q posted for the first time on /pol/ 4chan. At the time, the majority of Americans were blind to our government’s Deep State system. Consumed with the Mockingbird media, the Deep State’s tactics were in full swing and working against the American people. It is important to point out that contrary to what the media may say, Q is NOT a cult nor our savior. Neither is Trump. Let’s look at the definition of a Cult:
A cult is most often referred to as an organized group or solitary person whose purpose is to dominate other cult members through psychological manipulation and pressure strategies. According to the Cult Education Institute, there are specific warning signs to look out for when considering whether a group might be a cult. Cults are characterized by:
1. Absolute authoritarianism without accountability
2. Zero tolerance for criticism or questions
3. Lack of meaningful financial disclosure regarding budget
4. Unreasonable fears about the outside world that often involve evil conspiracies and persecutions
5. A belief that former followers are always wrong for leaving and there is never a legitimate reason for anyone else to leave
6. Abuse of members
7. Records, books, articles, or programs documenting the abuses of the leader or group
8. Followers feeling they are never able to be “good enough”
9. A belief that the leader is right at all times
10. A belief that the leader is the exclusive means of knowing “truth” or giving validation.
Does this sound like Q to you? Q has stated many times to question “trusted” sources, to trust and have faith in yourself, to find time to research, discern facts vs. fiction, and of course “be careful who you follow”. These phrases and statements do not sound like they align with the terms of a cult leader as listed above. Quite the opposite, they resonate more with the power of free thinking, the use of discernment to filter through the noise and to decide for yourself what is reality, and what is deception.
Through our research, it has becoming increasingly obvious that those behind Q are one in the same with those standing behind and alongside Donald Trump. They are Patriots, who love this great nation and want nothing more than to see it flourish. Q awakened our need to seek out truth while reminding us who we are – Americans. Over party, race, religion, sexuality and culture. We are Americans first, uniquely protected by the Constitution. To be an American is to uphold the ability to protect the rights and freedoms of ALL human life. No matter what you believe in, where you live, where you come from, how much money you make and how you live your life.
Before Trump and Q came into the picture, we had collectively forgotten who we were. By design. We all forgot how to play, forgot to use our God given rights and the powers awarded to us by the Constitution. Many of us were in very dark places, meandering through the matrix that the Deep State built around us, a comfort lulling us to sleep. This comment from an anon and Q’s response in post 51 is a great example of this former state of mind.
This was Q’s response, notice who signed it at the bottom.
In our previous parts of this series, we presented our research into the evolution of our enemy, the Deep State. Nearly one century in the making. Looking back through the Q posts with the knowledge we’ve gained during our dissection of how the Deep State warped and mutated into the President King, we are provided with new clues and new understanding. The first 100 Q posts now appear to serve as a sort of “Preparation of the Battlefield”, outlining previous moves and countermoves made by both the Patriots, and the Deep State prior to Q’s inception, and setting the stage by way of asking a myriad of meaningful, research-prompting questions that upon finding the answers, could help us understand what type of war we are in and what type of game we are playing. Q does all of this while also reminding us who we are and the power we hold. Reinforcing patriotism, freedom, liberty, nationalism and our faith – the very foundations of this great nation.
Q’s mission is to provide valuable tools needed to wake us up out of the matrix, and use all of our senses to understand that we have been fooled. And to provide clues and hints on the mission set forth to reverse over 83 years of Deep State concepts, policies and doctrine. Q empowered us with information that the Deep State was hiding from us. Anons, independent researchers and citizen journalists only need open source information to see. Q provided us the springboard on where to look. In essence, Q empowered the greatest untapped asset that America has for her survival, We the People. The Deep State has divided us through fear and war. Q countered those moves with logical thinking to unite us with understanding and peace. Some cult, huh?
Throughout the past few years many of us have grown impatient, expecting events and counterattacks to unfold and move forward much more rapidly, than what we have witnessed as bystanders enjoying the show. It is only recently that we have become active players, realizing that WE are the untapped resource needed to win this war. And once each of us awakened to that reality on our own terms, however long that took, we are able to see that things are in fact moving very fast if you consider the grand scheme of it all. For a moment, take a pause from this article, close your eyes and reflect on your frame of mind, and understanding of reality prior to Trump coming into office, prior to Q. Reflect on how many years you’ve been awake, how many years you’ve been alive, and how many years our enemy has been slowly infiltrating and infecting this country. Puts things into perspective, doesn’t it? “It had to be this way.” The task of reversing the Deep State’s attacks on this great nation is slow and meticulous. This must be in the forefront of your minds, always. If you are to understand Trumps actions and policies, you must understand the history of the evil that he is fighting.
In our previous part “Shall We Play a Game” we covered the basic concepts of Game Theory as it relates to Q. But Patriots, please understand that Q isn’t just one dimensional, there are many aspects of Q’s purpose and intent. Game Theory was just one aspect. Furthermore, Q wasn’t just talking to one group. Q was talking to three:
Military Intelligence
The Deep State
The same tactics that our enemy has been using against us, Q used against them. Division and fear. We’d like to now present you with examples of how Trump and the Patriots used Q as a crucial tool to help them accomplish their goals. Also, we are going to show you a very unique use of how the Q clock might explain the use of Game Theory in a way that you likely have never seen before, something we uncovered while researching. So please grab some popcorn and settle in.
Anons have played and continue to play a crucial role in this battle. Q chose the Deplorables lurking on the boards because Q knew just how detailed and thorough these digital savants were at dissecting and analyzing every last corner of the internet. Internet Knob Turners if you will. Anons are unique in our ability to present our findings, evidence and research in a way that eliminates the messenger and allows the information to merely just exist on its own. A presentation without idolizing the presenter. This type of ego removal was and is still a crucial aspect for the Q operation. Removing the operators from the equation and just relying on the information. A way of relaying Actionable Intelligence. This comes with its disadvantages as well of course, leaving the door open for bad actors and saboteurs to blend in and muddy the waters.
4chan allowed a community to flourish without censorship of any kind. A community where topics can be discussed freely without the fear of retribution and exposure to who put forth the information. While this allows empowered citizens to freely speak their mind, it also allows for abhorrent and disgusting behavior to exist as well. When we say zero censorship, we truly mean absolutely ZERO censorship, (you DO NOT want to know what exists on some of the boards.) There are some people who will argue that this way of exploring and presenting information anonymously is nefarious or deceptive. And they are right, it can be those things. But remaining anonymous is crucial when exploring controversial political ideas. Especially when it is related to corruption and crimes against humanity from a political establishment with so much power, that it could crush anyone it deemed its enemy faster than we can even finish typing this sentence. These mob style personal attacks based on presenting factual information that we have all seen, and have maybe even experienced ourselves, are the shocking and eye opening reality to the dangers of this war.
We have witnessed these attacks ourselves in our short existence. The personal attacks on the presenter of information, rather than the information itself is extremely uncomfortable. We tried avoiding that unfortunate side effect of this information war by removing ourselves as the presenters entirely and replacing our names with one single author, 17SOG. It didn’t work. Somewhere along the line, anons and independent researchers have forgotten that presenting anonymous information, forces the reader to decide for themselves whether or not the information is fact, or fiction. You cannot rely on the validity of the presenter, which is why Q taught us how crucial research, discernment and having trust in ourselves is absolutely crucial.
Q knew this would happen, and was why 4chan and anons were chosen for the mission in this information war. Digital Soldiers. Force Multipliers. One of the most important missions of the United States Special Operation Command (SOCOM) is to train foreign nations. To blend and merge into their allied foreign military counterparts. Befriend them and gain their trust so that they can be trained to be elite warriors themselves. Eight special forces operators can create thousands of highly trained and highly effective fighters. “Less than 10” people with the ability to count the full picture on two hands trained thousands of anons, those thousands of anons created tens of millions of Digital Soldiers, Force Multipliers. Together we are strong.
Without this unique ability of Q, that group of “less than 10” would have never been able to get the truth out as they have. Even with the obstacle of facing fierce opposition from the alphabet agencies, Q and anons have been successful. We the People are now collectively more awake than we have ever been in our nation’s history. And we continue to wake up more and more each day. Empowered with knowledge and information Q and anons have taught us, we question everything, seek out the truth, and pay careful attention to who we follow. With strategic care and attention to detail, the digital soldiers created by this mission have rendered the establishment media and mainstream news utterly useless. They cannot keep up with us.
If patriotic citizens all over the world want to continue on this path, we all need to set aside time for our own research. Set aside ten to twenty minutes a day to research and validate the content we are watching. We need to continue questioning information, challenge narratives, and remain proactive observers of the world around us. We need to allow theories and points of view to be argued, without fear of personal attacks. And we need to remain vigilant to potential gatekeepers, and reactions to new, opposing viewpoints. We leave no one behind and we all play a part in this war, and we all should be able to re-assess our personal viewpoints as new information unfolds. Lest we become no better than our enemies.
Military Intelligence
The silent operators behind Q are an element of Military Intelligence at the highest, most Top Secret level. We will go into more detail on who we believe these operators are in a later chapter. As you have read in our previous parts, the 3-letter agencies created unto the Executive branch are part of the less than noble court of the President-King. So how do We the People bypass those powerful agencies? And what department is still loyal to this country, and swears an oath to serve the people and the Constitution? The military.
We are going to describe the military’s role in detail in our future part, The President’s Army. What’s important to understand about Military Intelligence is the capability that it holds. It has more manpower, training, funding, experience and sophistication than any other intelligence apparatus in the world. The military is the largest expense of our tax dollars. It is compartmentalized, shielded, in some cases operates under complete secrecy, and has many safeguards to combat corruption within its ranks.
Q has mentioned the military is the only way. But this doesn’t mean that the military is going to storm in with tanks, overtly take over the government and arrest all the bad actors. That is not its role constitutionally. However there are elements of Military Intelligence that can be used to gather information, and counter Deep State propaganda. This was Q’s role. As you will see in The President’s Army chapter of this series, the sophistication, longevity and experience that Military Intelligence has is virtually limitless. Q’s role was to empower We the People with information. Because it is We the People who run this great nation.
Q as military operation, gave anons the tools required to seek out the information that was needed for understanding our enemy. Anons in turn shared their findings by way of podcasts, articles, posts and memes. Through simply sharing and discussing these simple yet effective tactics, anons have been able to educate the masses. This trickle-down style of operation is common within the military. Q used simple techniques for a very complicated operation, to take down the Deep State.
The Deep State
By way of both rudimentary tactics and sophisticated Game Theory maneuvers, Q consistently taunted and pushed the our enemy. This was done purposefully and with the intent to force moves, reaction, fear, and to cause mistakes. It has been extremely effective in this regard. Knowing that your opponent is an entity serving their own self interests makes it relatively easy for the military to know whether the Deep State will make a play to immediately benefit themselves, or to pass on a play that might cost them in the short term, but pay off later. It is likely that our selfish opponent will almost always choose instant gratification.
The Deep State uses fear, secrecy and propaganda to divide us. Q countered that by using encouragement, logic and empowerment through knowledge. Now it is the Deep State that is divided, and on the run. This was largely done in part because of the strategy of using their weapon against them, to divide THEM and unite US. Can you see the mission now? Again we ask you to take a moment, close your eyes and imagine where you were prior to Trump taking office, what you knew then and what you know now. And now think of all of the resources over that period of time that got you to where you are today. This is and was Q’s mission. A military operation.
Moves and Countermoves
As we explained in part five, Game Theory was a crucial element in the Q operation. The mathematical field of Game Theory has many games that can be used to model just about any situation. Situations in the arenas of economics, war, and geopolitics can be modelled and gamed out.
Game theory was mentioned by Q seven times in the posts. So too were the terms, “how about a nice game of chess”, “trust the plan”, and “future proves past”.
From this, we may deduce a few things about the game that Q has been playing against the deep state:
The game is sequential (the reference to chess, a classic sequential strategy game)
The game has a mechanism to input probability and statistical analysis (trust the plan)
While researching this part of the series, we happened upon a revelation. We discovered a game that, to our knowledge, is unknown to the field of Game Theory - and we believe it’s the one that the Q team has been using.
The basic game model:
Remember how we said that Game Theory references a library of existing games that can be used to model a given situation? That’s what the Q team did. They took one of these games off the shelf, and then modified it twice.
From Wikipedia:
“In game theory, the centipede game, first introduced by Robert Rosenthal in 1981, is an extensive form game in which two players take turns choosing either to take a slightly larger share of an increasing pot, or to pass the pot to the other player. The payoffs are arranged so that if one passes the pot to one's opponent and the opponent takes the pot on the next round, one receives slightly less than if one had taken the pot on this round, but after an additional switch the potential payoff will be higher. Therefore, although at each round a player has an incentive to take the pot, it would be better for them to wait. Although the traditional centipede game had a limit of 100 rounds (hence the name), any game with this structure but a different number of rounds is called a centipede game.
The unique subgame perfect equilibrium (and every Nash equilibrium) of these games results in the first player taking the pot on the first round of the game; however, in empirical tests, relatively few players do so, and as a result, achieve a higher payoff than in the subgame perfect and Nash equilibria. These results are taken to show that subgame perfect equilibria and Nash equilibria fail to predict human play in some circumstances. The Centipede game is commonly used in introductory game theory courses and texts to highlight the concept of backward induction and the iterated elimination of dominated strategies, which show a standard way of providing a solution to the game.”
We can see the centipede diagram here:
Now, we will take the basic game of centipede and modify it based on available data. We know that there have been deals offered (see Q posts #15, #1746 - refer to US Congress, US Gov, CEO resignations) to minor enemy players in the Deep State by the Q team. The worst of the enemy players have not been offered deals and are forced to play on (see post #278, #372). How do we model this situation?
We modify the centipede game.
There are not necessarily 100 turns in this game
Some players on enemy team have the option to quit
Stakes get higher every turn - risk increases for enemy and payoff gets higher for Trump team
A sub game can be played at each turn - stag hunt, prisoner’s dilemma, game trees, etc.
Polar coordinate system:
We will stop here and explain the background for the second modification. Most people remember from math class the Cartesian coordinate system. In this system, there are two axes, the X axis and the Y axis. To define a point in 2-D space, you call out a value on each axis.
Polar coordinates are different. To define a location in 2-D space you need three things:
A pole (center)
A radius, R
An angle from a reference line, θ
In the posts, Q linked the word “clock” to game theory language. Specifically, “Ready to play?” and “Future proves past”.
This got us thinking that there was a circular aspect to the game that was being played. It then dawned on us that if the game of centipede was wrapped around a circle, multiple versions of the same game could be played all at once.
We are going to merge centipede onto a polar coordinate system. When we do, we get a game diagram that looks like this:
We have assigned an arbitrary layout of three rings to this game. More complex games can have more rings. Each ring represents the same game of Centipede, but notice that as the radius position of the ring increases, the game has more turns. By setting the game up this way, the radius (R) controls risk - more risk = fewer turns. The angle (θ) controls game time, from 0 - 360 degrees (an arbitrary start and end, and it’s no accident it spins clockwise - just like a clock). This game allows the player to adjust the risk tolerance with each turn. There’s one more aspect to this - one player is controlling the risk level. Why does one player have such an advantage over the other? Simple - the Deep State was playing against the President of the United States.
This model allows unparalleled control over the game. Utilizing this game model allows the player to shift risk levels at will. Why would the player want to do this?
This feature in the game model allows statistical analysis to be used to win the game with the least number of moves. Once the German Enigma cypher was broken by Alan Turing and his team at Bletchley Park, the intelligence information had to be carefully managed. They couldn’t order the military to act on every piece of intelligence, otherwise the German military would realize Enigma was compromised. Therefore, statistical analysis was used to decide which piece of information would be passed to allied forces, and which would not. The pieces of information passed to the allies would be the minimum number to win the war in the fewest amount of moves - without tipping off the Germans that their unbreakable cypher was in fact, broken.
You see the same thing that happened during WW2 with Enigma played out today in the war against the Deep State.
The game model we showed you is a simple one to get the concept across. The real one that Q is using is more complex. In addition to multiple rings on one game model, other games can be stacked one on top of another like sheets of paper. This would allow the player to play the same game with variable risk levels and shift game time speed whenever the statistical analysis ordered an adjustment. It’s like looking at a transmission - with multiple gears lined up with one another but spinning at different rates - variable game time (θ) would be possible with this arrangement of our game model.
Once the full control options of this game model are enabled, with statistical analysis controlling the risk level of the game (R), this game can no longer be played in analog form on a sheet of paper or a chalkboard. No - this game would need to be played digitally, it was almost certainly played on a super computer.
While there will always be a large portion of the population willing to jump on the chance to mock Q and write it off as a farce, anons know better. Much like its secret military counterparts that have spent the last 20 years hunting down and then killing or capturing terrorists that threaten our great nation throughout the world, wherever they may hide, Q’s importance and its role in this mission might never be publicly acknowledged. And that is okay, the mass awakening we are all a part of is proof of mission success. Thanks to Q, we have found our enemies, they are no longer lurking in the shadows. We know that using our right as Americans to vote this corrupt establishment out of office is the only way forward. The words spoken by our 45th President during his historic inaugural address have permeated through every corner of America ever since that day. President Donald Trump declared that he would transfer power from Washington, D.C. and give it back to us, the American People. We are in the middle of an information war that the Deep State is losing. Now is the time to come together, under one nation, and demonstrate the power that Q reminded us was there all along. We the People now have the resources and knowledge needed to arm ourselves in this war as we prepare to use the most effective weapon in our arsenal to topple the already unstable President-King monarchy.
That weapon is our votes.
-17th Special Operation Group
Allow me to present an alternate vision of Q for consideration. I do this because I HOPE that your assessment is correct. I am concerned that Q is a repeat of an effective, successful operation that was conducted before as the Left took control of a country.
When the communists were progressively taking over Russia in the early 1900s, they organized the controlled opposition as well. We call it "Operation Trust". This operation presented to the Russian people the appearance of an organized resistance within the military, the systems of government and other structures. They convinced the Russian people that there was an organized operation by key people to save the situation.
Meanwhile, the communists progressively removed from all positions of power, influence, media, education, etc. anyone not loyal to them. They sank their roots into all important systems of control.
The People, for the most part, sat idly by, trusting in reports that someone was organizing to stop the communists. They believed, they hoped, they felt they were being informed. It kept them docile until it was too late.
Remember when Q indicated the important people would undo the false 2020 election and put the rightful President in office? Remember the revelations of election fraud being spread around and all the cheers of "we got them now!" We expected revelation of the truth to oust the perpetrators of the progressive coup. Well, who is being punished and removed from power? The perpetrators or the Americans who oppose them?
Being informed only lets you know you are wearing chains. It does absolutely nothing to remove those chains. The person who keeps promising to bring you the shackle key may simply be one of the jailors who wants you to not struggle as more and more chains are wrapped around you. The Deep State may well be using Q to corral and neutralize those who might organize their own resistance, if they believed there was no other recourse to save America. Resistance, such as the Battle of Athens, Tennessee, to put a stop to the Deep State's election rigging.
Information is not warfare. Action is warfare.
What has Q actually accomplished? What has changed in the last three years? What elections have been corrected based on "information"? What systems of power, education or media have been retaken by Americans due to "information"? Who is prevailing over whom?
I watch and think BOHICA as the American People are apparently being duped by professional nation-stealers who have done this again and again using the same standardized tactics. They do it because it works.
Change my mind...?
I cannot speak to this theory quite as eloquently as Thomas Sayre, but I also had hope that all of Q’s information would pull us out of the spiral into insanity into which we were, and still are headed. Unfortunately nothing Q alluded to ever became reality. Rebellion is action and only through rebellion will we ever take back our country. Every single day we move closer to a day when the government will give itself the power to take away our ability to fight against this tyrannical system. A system which has grown like the mycelium of a fungus to invade every facet of our institutions. As a final thought, to declare that our weapon is our vote is absurd to a degree almost unfathomable. The fraud, unethical money drops from the Marxist left, and the years of scheming that went on before the 2020 election guaranteed a Dem-O-Puppet would be installed into the WH. You can probably bet your last dime they have more in their election manipulation bag of tricks this time around.