Thank you very much for sending me this article which I found to be excellent. It gives me a small glimpse into the "gentle" way of winning. I hope that the alliance of military forces will be able to create preconditions for this gentle revolution, everyone hopes that. Best wishes

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Thank you for pointing out the specific actions that Trump took to return us to the Constitutional Republic of our founding.

Regarding the civil service: I am a retired civil servant who served 25 years in the AF, starting when I was 35. Civil servants in government DO NOT need to be ‘represented’ by unions. Unions were created to force industrialists to provide safe work conditions and doesn’t apply. I fought against this for years as all federal agencies have regulations that cover all aspects of civil service. They’re only in place to protect the underperforming lazy employees. As one of the 10% that could be counted on to get whatever job assigned completed, often doing the work of several government ‘slugs’ in the process. (Sorry for the rant; still irritated about it 10 years post retirement). The vast majority of agencies must be disbanded; essentially all that are not doing work assigned to the Federal Government by the Constitution.

Thank you for this series... Reading this has truly been worthwhile!

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Thank you for this post. An excellent read. Points out the GENIUS OF THE PLAN. It’s not just a plan to Win it’s a plan to keep America Great. And just. For all time. IMO It will still take a long time to drain the vast swamp, but it’s great to know that we now have strong tools to get there. 🙏🇺🇸🙏

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This is extensive and very deep info. that we all need to understand "deeply" and totally. One question I have is that if President Trump is still the President at this time and acting as "Commander in Chief of the military" then aren't all those executive orders still in place and anything Biden did a purely treasonous act against the American People and not at all legal?

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Under the Corporation of America for which the deep state installed Biden it stands .But the Corporation is broke and has been since Trump took over . Also Biden is a fraud and puppet of Obama and deep State. Treason against America . The Rats have nothing left too loose and every level of them is trying too gain as much as they can before collapse . But they forget Trump has it all and they will fall! We are watching a movie ! WWG1WGA

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You can bet on that and even though the movie is not a video game and real people will die and get hurt here, the chess game must continue until "CHECKMATE" is called.

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